Hello,I'm looking for some advice. My tractor recently started and died several times. So I went through and put new carb, fuel line, sediment bowl, spark plugs, coil, resister, rotor, points and condenser and distributor cap. My battery is dead as a door nail. I jumped the tractor with my F350. As I was jumping I noticed the resister smoking so I unhooked the F350 and went and got my portable battery jump starter. I then took a test light and traced power going into the coil but nothing coming out. So I replaced the coil and resister again. Still no luck. This is a 12V negative ground system. I am still not getting any power into the top of the distributor cap or the negative side to the points. What am I doing wrong? I can't get any fire but am getting fuel so it has to be electrical. Thanks in advance for your help, Jim