James, Check the auction and photo ads on this site to see if any tractors are for sale near you. You should also check the daily ads in your local paper, as well as your local Shopper, Thrifty Nickle (or whatever your local advertisement publication is). Another good source is the "Heavy Equipment Trader", a monthly (or perhaps bi-weekly) printing of equipment in your area. These are typically found at local gas station/Quickie Mart-type stores. Finally, I would suggest that you start taking some long lazy drives through the country. In addition to being relaxing (which your doctor will likely approve), it's a great way to find tractors for sale. A lot of people don't bother to advertise, they just stick a sign on the old girl and park her out by the road (yes, I'm still talking about tractors). Don't be afraid to knock on the door and ask about the neglected iron sitting in fence rows out-buildings or pastures without for sale signs on them either. You can sometimes tell their neglected because nobody has mowed under it for awhile. Just a quick story about this very thing. About four weeks ago, my wife was out and about and saw a Farmall in the side yard of a farmer near our house. God bless her she recognised it as a Farmall immediately - all of that talking I do about tractors didn't fall on deaf ears after all! To make a long story short I bought a '50 Super A and a '57 Cub from the man for $750 each. They both need a lot of work, but thats the idea isn't it? So don't be discouraged. These tractors were very popular and you will find one near you at a price you can afford. Keep us posted on your progress!