David: The little offset Farmalls tend to make larger tractors not look very good when it comes to plowing snow. When I was a teenager in the late 50s we plowed snow on the farm with Farmall 300. We often went to near by village about 100 homes at that time. 3 guys, one with a Super A, one with a Super C and a guy with an MF 35 basically kept all the drivways, parking lots, etc . cleared of snow. The guy with the Super A was just a bit smarter than the other two. He also probably moved close to half the snow. I've left the feed store on more than one ocasion with my dad and he would say ,"I think we plow snow with the wrong tractor, our blade should be on the 130." Since that time I have plowed snow with a wide variety of beasts, 560, 656, skid steers, articulated forsestry skidders, pickups. Today I plow my snow with the Farmall 130, and 6' angle blade. Oh by the way, back in my home town, now probably double the size. It takes a payloader, 2 or 3 skid steer loaders, couple of 4x4 tractors with loaders, and about a dozen pickups to do twice the work the SA, SC and MF35 did 47 years ago. These guys today don't get it done as fast as the the guys of yesterday. I think the difference is the guys of yesterday didn't have coffee shops to sit and discuss what they don't have done.