Hugh MacKay
01-23-2004 12:48:47
Re: Re: I finally gave in Paul in reply to scotty, 01-23-2004 11:59:32
Scotty: I have to say I have never been fond of cold wind. Low temperatures never bothered me until this winter, and even yet I don't mind the low temperature too bad if there is no wind. Wind around here doesn't blow in gusts, it just blows steady at about 30 to 40 mph all day and night and has been doing it for close to a week. Yesterday at 1 pm plowed driveway clean, when I got home at 5:30 pm pickup had to be put in 4x4 for driveway. For four miles to the west there is no trees. Out on the corn and soybean fields you can still see stubble, not a lot of snow, around the buildings drifts are starting to reach 6 feet. It has snowed some every day. I was on the road yesterday with tractor trailer and at times you couldn't see more than 50 feet, 4 way flashers on, at about 20 mph, and with the turbulance a trailer stires up you know the guy behind you could hit you before he sees you if he is not careful. I had a guy pass me, driving an SUV, I couldn't see his head lights until he was 1/3 the way along side the trailer, and on a road with two way traffic. Auto makers must be selling radar for those vehicles. I haven't been out a lot trucking in this weather, but can tell you when I get home from a day of it, it's awfully easy to let that guy in the big blue cab, in shirt sleeves, and tuned into his radio, come up the driveway, blowing snow. He can even blow about the blue tractor, I will not complain.