You seem to be making pretty good progress on this motor. Connecting rod bolts should be torqued to 40 ft lbs. If you do not have the lock tabs, be sure to use something like blue locktite. The bearing clearance is 0.002 to 0.003", same as the main bearings (those bolts are 75 ft. lb.). Rod shells (mains too) go in clean and dry. Oil the bearings surfaces after you check the clearance with plastigage. With the rods and pistons installed, the crank may be hard to turn, but it should turn smoothly, without any tight spots. I had to fiddle around with the mains and rod caps to get the crank to turn smoothly. It helped to use two 0.005" feeler gauges on the same side of the joint. Be sure the crank turns smoothly on the mains before you bolt up the rods. The IH Service Manual for H from Binder Books very useful for this part of the assembly.