Ok, I have more sn's now, and still no clue. Here is what I do know: Plate on left seat bracket: 288 59, AA1, 1540 Engine block: 8*12*S (aug 12, 1947) on tag above distributor: FAAM, 2 7710 4, AA1 Hydraulic case: L, 9*4*x (sep 4, 1952), 357657R1 Hydraulic case back plate: 354353 R1, L 2 Transmission casing: 6*2*T (june 2, 1948), 351687-R1 Gearbox casing: 5*25*T (may 25, 1948), L 3, 6882 DA With all these sn's, I still don't have a sure date of manufacture. I have read on these invaluable postings that the Super A-1 had "1540" on the plate, but it also had foot pedal for accelerator. Mine doesn't, but there is a hole on the linkage for an extra bar, so I could see where it easily could have had one at some point. From my view, everything was cast in 1947, 1948, and 1952. All the components look like they belong. I.E. the rust color of it all looks uniform, nothing stands out. They hydraulics were cased in 1952, which makes me think this is a 1952 model. Yet, the sn on the seat bracket looks like it's a 1950 model. Confusing!@!!@!@!@ If anyone has anyyyyy information at all that they could try and shed some light on this for me, I would greatly appreciate it!!! Also, if you have recently rebuilt one of these, I would love to get in touch with you for lessons learned, etc. Thanks again, Doug