Hi guys. I'm visiting over here, from the N forum. I lurk here as well as I own a cub.I went to use it this am, and found that the ignition switch magically died sometime in the last week, shorting out and burning the points. I pried them open just to check it, and could get it started, but it didn't have enough power to let the clutch out in gear.. nor could I get past about half throttle without it dieing. I knew the points were trashed.. but figured it should have ran better than that.... I picked up some replacement ignition parts today.. plugs, wires, cap, rotor, points and condensor, and a new coil for the heck of it. I'll drop that stuff in, but was wondering about the carb. I have a feeling it may have picked up some trash in the main jet, ( or it could simply be just the bad ignition components ). Anyway.. looking at the carb, I'm pretty sure it is veinith.. but found no number. While at TSC, their carb kit that covers the cub, a super a, etc.. show the carb make to be IHC.. so I didn't pick up the TSC kit. My cub operators manual is devoid of any useful info, and the I&T IH-50 manual devotes a whole page and a half to it.. but does indicate it is an IH carb.. while the 154 and 184 had a zeinith carb. My unit is a 1966 model, tractor sn 227381J Can't find an engine sn where it is suposed to be? behind the carb. Did the 66's ever use a zeinith?? Or could this be a carb from a 154/184 ? Any ideas on any of these issues guys? thanks Soundguy