01-23-2005 11:09:29
Re: High compression pistons in reply to 560Puller, 01-23-2005 07:54:34
560puller, you have pretty good potential engine now. If the IH 706, came out in an LP version, and then add high altitiude to the order if available. I know the 806 lp high alt pistons are next to impossibile to find new. 706lp? maybe,, Im not sure, the 806 LP high altitiudes are next to impossible to find. I use these style pistons in my farmall H pulling engines, and I think I got the last set around here. Look for high altitude pistons, LP pistons, or High alt LP pistons. Only other option would be to change the head, and go to flat top pistons, but, that style set up would make more HP VS the high alt Lp piston set. You may want to start thinking about how to feed this engine fuel. you will have to do some carb, governor, and distributor work to really get it right. Its easy, and Id be happy to help ya out. I built a 460 puller last winter, its a bit different than most 460's out there, but the engine is the same, just got done building the carb distributor, and the governor on it, and that made a different tractor out of it. Mine is a C-263, out of a combine, its getting a new high power cyl head and pistons this year, have some good info to share! Hope this helps,, left the email open. ChadS