A few possibilities: 1 – Simply run without a muffler. Unless you’re working the tractor hard the exhaust bark will tolerable. However hearing protection is still recommended. Downside is depending on the wind and direction of travel you will often be breathing exhaust fumes. 2 – The exhaust stack is a standard 2” iron pipe nipple. Simple matter to thread the outlet end of the nipple (see your local plumber and borrow his 2” NPT die). Then screw a 2” 90 deg elbow to the exhaust stack, then a second nipple into the elbow and finally the muffler pointing forward. Good idea to support the outlet end of the muffler over the radiator. Also if you have a nice paint job, a heat shield to protect the hood is a good idea (a piece of 6” galvanized stove pipe cut in half lengthwise and wired beneath the body of the muffler works nice). I've seen this done on a couple different H's - works nice and doesn't even look too bad. 3 – Swap the existing manifold for one from an O-4, OS-4, 300/350 utility, etc. These provide the exhaust outlet angled down at the front of the engine – exhaust exits over the governor housing. Problem is finding one in good shape. They’re not very common, and I doubt these manifolds are available today either from CIH or aftermarket.