Hal, Im not all that familiar with Farmalls, more experienced in Mother Deeres, but have found the problem often is EITHER the copper looking button/post on the starter OR the washer/contactor in the switch is pitted/burned/carboned up. If the starter post is all burned n pitted I have gotten temporary relief by cleaning n wire brushing n light filing it down smooth (If its burned/pitted too deep, it needs replaced) HOWEWVER, if the contactor/washer on the switch is burned or pitted or carboned up badly, it needs replaced. Also, if theres any mechanical restrictions or limitations in the rod n linkage that prevents depressing the switch fully, that can cause arcing n carbon build up in the switch. I dont have much luck by jumping direct with a big battery cable to the starter post, cuz it tends to arc badly and its hard to keep a good electrical connection. Also the real test is if the starters under a load as that direct jumnp test dont tell you as much if the starter is able to free spin unloaded. Its possible for a starter to become mechanically stuck/jammed with its drive gear into the flywheel teeth, so check that out first by loosening n rockign before you try any starter jump tests. A bench test can tell you some as the starter should torque kick pretty hard upon start and spin pretty fast and if not, shes obviously BAD, but thats not under a load so its no guarantee its still good just cuz she runs good not loaded. If the starters not too bad, I have had luck simply by taking it apart and cleaning things up and polishing down and removing any film from the commutator. Good luck n God Bless John T in Indiana, retired electrical engineer