You apparently don't do much with your tractor. The grease idea came from IH dealers 40 years ago. They rebuilt many of these the proper way as you call it,only to have them back in 6 months leaking as bad as ever. Most of these tractors that went out on commercial farms when new were leaking within 5 years. From there it was a never ending battle keeping them from leaking. I currently have 3 of these tractors, and have owned 3 others in the past 45 years. Of the 6 only one has never leaked, it's never done anything either. I doubt if my 1963 Farmall 140 has done 500 hours of work since new. I got this tractor two years ago and it had been parked in a heated warehouse for 15 years. Over the years I used these tractors commercially, and in my opinion the sloppy part was having them leaking gear oil everywhere they went. The steering gear box on offset Farmalls was poorly designed and engineered to begin with. The grease was the very best and most economical way to correct this. I can tell you, when you are running 9 tractors, 4 trucks, combine and all associated equipment, and if 2 of those tractors are offset Farmalls, you don't have time to fool with those steering boxes every time they start leaking. I know of offset Farmalls with steering boxes full of grease, and they haven't been apart in 40 years. They are clean and probably working 300 to 500 hours per year.