John A.
12-14-2006 12:17:56
Re: best 100+hp tractor with 540 pto in reply to dx29, 12-14-2006 06:27:16
dx29, I am a Big Red IH guy from way back. I "Ditto" the others on a 966, 856, 826, A 966 will fill the bill on 100+ horses, Will turn a 15 ft batwing shredder quite nicely. At least mine can twist the gearboxes out of it. They are fairly econimical to run too. These tractors only real drawback is when you are in an idleing situations, ie... like very light loader work, @ 1500 rpm or so for long extented times the engine will go to "Slobbering" oil out of the exhaust. Nothing really hurt, just put a good load on it for 30 minutes to 1 hour and it will stop. Mine only does it after extented idleing time. here in the last year or two I have had the oppertunity to run a JD 4230 it had good power for faarming, a 15 ft batwing annd the like. I cam recomend it too My 966, bought used in 92 gave $6250 for it + $2000 for an IH 2350 loader. The only work I have have done to it, was Clutch, PP,throwout bearing, a rebuilt TA and some seal work 5 yr ago, cost $3200. + one set of rear tires, and 2 sets of front airplains tires. That is cost and work to date. The 4230 was bought, painted, a Koyker 565 loader added, and delivered from Amarillo Texas for $15000. Have changes out the rear tires with new, and put airplanes on the front. This tractor had a tranny problem when we got it. just hard sifting, and not stayinng in 5th. We sent to shop to correct this problem and add a 3rd remote outlet cost $3300. So that is cost and work to date on it. Both have their +s and -s , so either would work for you! Hope this helps. Later, John A.