George: That doesn't surprise me, and I'll bet the Super A is not far behind. The A may be starting to fall a bit behind not having hydraulics. 10 years ago there were a lot of offsets, parked in grandpa's barn, he didn't use it but he also wouldn't part with it. A lot of those are coming on the market as families part with grandpa's estate. I don't think the C, SC, 200, etc are far behind. Those little tractors, both sizes, are very popular with folks wanting a light tractor for yard work. You think about it, often time you'll buy these for $1,500. to $3,000., maybe even a few implements for a bit more. Even if one has to spend $1,500. to put it in top shape. Once you have this done for under $5,000., maybe 6, you could count on quite economical operation for 25 years. Now, I ask you, stack that against a new compact Deere or Kubota. If my yard work involved a bit of earth moving, I'd add a skid steer, and use the tractor to pull the trailer loads of earth. I've always found a skid steer one of the best cash cows to have around. There are always folks wanting material moved in tight quarters.