Chuck: It's your age, like you I used to apreciate winter, could find all nature of things to do out in the snow. It was the prime time for harvesting the years fire wood and a good supply of saw logs to sell come spring. One could drag them through the snow, keeping them clean for sawing. The last 2-3 years, I haven't found winter very pleasant, this winter has been especially bad. I don't even like plowing my 50' driveway, it's good we moved from that 400' driveway. I do hear that this winter will break long time records for total snow fall for the season, something over 13' in eastern ON. It will be less down here. It's somewhat amusing about these records the weather service has. I remember as a kid, we'd been snowed in for three days. Via telephone we heard a machine was on it's way clearing the road, and he'd be followed by the rural mail truck. Could each family have member out to meet the mail truck, as they would not be able to find our mail boxes. As the machine approached, my brothers and I were allowed to go out front and watch. Relatively level ground with front of house about 150' from road and on slightly higher ground. What appeared was the biggest bulldozer I had ever seen at that time, equipped with a V plow almost as high as the cab. We couldn't even see the mail truck in this trail and from the house. My grand father went on snowshoes to meet the mail truck. I can remember him sticking the snowshoes in the snow and disappearing down over the windrow of snow to meet the mail truck. That was probably 1948, and these eastern Canadian weather forecasters are trying to tell me we broke that record. That is what the weather folks are saying in the local paper this morning, record snow fall and record for the season in eastern Canada.