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How much power does a 4 bottom plow need?

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michael price

10-18-2007 20:58:02

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I know someone with two 4 bottom plows forsale, one is a disk plow and the other is a old JD.

I was wondering how much horse power it takes to pull a 4 bottom plow in heavy ground.

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JD 1956 60

10-22-2007 18:28:41

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
Weight is going to be a big factor. Compare your 5500 to say a 3020. A 3020 handled a 4 bottom semi-mount, but struggled with a pull type without a lot a ballast. And your 5500 is about 1500 lbs. lighter than the 3020. I don't think you can weight it down enough to handle a 4 bottom pull type plow.

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10-20-2007 17:36:45

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
Depends on whether it is a old style plow or a new high speed plow.to pull a high speed at the speed fpor which they were designed and the speed big ag wants it takes lots of horse power. An old style plow which turns over the soil and breaks it up in the process is designed to be pulled slower and doesnt require the hp.From what i've always been told is you can pull one less bottom and plow faster and turn over more land per hour. I dont know if there is any research online about it. but around here an M farmall pulled 3 or 4/ 14" plows in clay loam.i pulled 3/16s in clay loam . Went from 14" to 16" for the trash clearance.I think the reason some guys say the jd plows pulled harder is if i remember right the jd turn the soil completely over while the easier pulling plows just turned it on its side.

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Hugh MacKay

10-20-2007 18:19:12

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to tim[in], 10-20-2007 17:36:45  
Tim: Do you realize how much faster you have to travel with one less bottom to plow the same ground. It's not rocket science, a tractor pulling a 5 bottom 16" plow at 4 mph will turn 2,323 square feet of soil per minute. To turn that same soil with 4x16 plow, he would have to make 5 mph.

I'm 65 years old, have plowed thousands of acres in my day. When I meet someone who tells me he's plowing at 6-8 mph, I realize I'm talking with someone not playing with a full deck. When I meet someone who tells me he's plowing at 8-10 mph, I realize I'm talking to an idiot.

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10-21-2007 09:13:53

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Hugh MacKay, 10-20-2007 18:19:12  
Hugh, I didn't check your numbers there, but I'll assume they're correct. That said, I believe it's possisble to outplow a big plow with a smaller one in some situations without traveling any faster at all. We had a 5/14 semi for a number of years and I don't think it ever turned more than 2 ac an hour. I'm working with a 4/12-20 mounted plow now that regularly turns 2.5-3 an hour. I do probably run a bit faster with this plow since it's an auto-reset plow, but most of the gain that's made with it is from much faster turning on the headlands. No backing up or jerking around in small fields. That made a huge difference. I generally run the plow at about 4/17's at 5.5 mph. That's a nice comfy speed on the tractors I've got. Any faster and the sparks start to fly too far...


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Hugh MacKay

10-21-2007 11:14:01

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to RodInNS, 10-21-2007 09:13:53  
Rod: I know where your coming from, those 50 to 100 acre blocks are few and far between in Nova Scotia. I had three of them, one was 100 acres and on 2/3 of that one, I plowed a 5,000 furrow. I had several fields where I plowed 2,000 furrow. It becomes a whole new game on those big fields.

There is a farm near me here in Ontario, his shortest field is a mile and he has several fields 2 miles. He pulls an 8 bottom Kevernland semi-mount roll over plow with one of two big New Hollands. Never been close enough to get the model numbers, however they are conventional tractors, duals on both ends, one has triples on rear. It think he drops those triples while plowing. I expect those tractors are well over 200 hp.

I drove the road alongside his fields one day about 2 years checked those sizes with my odometer. I forget my exact calculations on what he plowed between morning and evening, but I figured at the time he was making 10 to 14 acres per hour on those big fields. I checked him 3 different times got different results each time. The big figure came from the 2 mile field. He wasn't driving fast, I could comfortably walk the highway alongside him.

He doesn't hire much help, basically he, his wife and his dad. I know his wife's sister, and had to let her in on this one. The husband and wife were combining one day two years ago. He combining and she pulling two big grain wagons hooked together with a Gemini. They had 4 sets of two wagons placed stratigically around field. She apparently went the wrong way on a soft grade and the grain wagons went down. When I came along, all wagons plus the combine were full. I could see one wagon by itself with quite vicious ruts and chewing in front of it. He and she were at the grainery with tractor and one wagon. We can only assume they were just having a little romatic get together. Well, at least I'll give the benefit of any doubt to matrimonial harmony.

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10-21-2007 12:03:25

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Hugh MacKay, 10-21-2007 11:14:01  
Yeh around here most guys with the big hp tractors consider 5.5 or around there to be their normal speed. I remember working for one operating a white2-155 at third gear overdrive full throttle.I think the thing now is to keep the numbers looking good for the banks and magazines. Seemed to me with my plow, you get what i considered a good job and trying to plow 7-9 inches deep or deeper if it would go, at a slower speed with my tractor and plow.Like bushogging you can mow fast and "knock it down" or go slower use more fuel and time and do a better job.I think too many guys are worried about how it looks on paper but since that seems to be what matters today...

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10-21-2007 20:08:22

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to tim[in], 10-21-2007 12:03:25  
The speed would depend a lot on the plow and the boards. We had an old Brown plow with short boards and it just didn't work so well at high speeds. It turned fine but fired the furrow nearly a foot at 5.5 mph. By comparison, the long board on the Kverneland #8 bottom I'm using now is just in it's sweet spot at that speed. I seldom work at less than 4 mph and not over 6. I've heard of guys running the same plow I have at 7+ mph.... but I don't think I'd want my tractor in front of it. Auto reset is good, but it ain't that good... One guy in particular had a 110 hp Massey that couldn't realistically carry the plow I have without a massive pile of front weight, so they run three and drive it hard. I think they'd have been a lot better off with 4 and drive it slower, but.....


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Hugh MacKay

10-22-2007 03:44:29

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to RodInNS, 10-21-2007 20:08:22  
Rod: I've never plowed with any of the new plows built since 1980. I hear folks on here talk high speed, but calling it that way is more or less a relative term. I guess your 5-6 mph would be fast compared to the horse, but then again rather slow compared to some of these 10 mph jockies.

I don't have the figures close at hand, however I did a lot of comparison back in the 70s between pulling my 5x16 semi-mount with 1066 and 656. Bought the plow initially to use behind 1066, it was really no load for 1066, however it was a plow that had been at the dealers some time and even in 1975, $2,000. was a good buy for that plow. The main reason I switched to plowing with 656 was taking duals off 1066, then moving inside right rear wheel out to match the plow, plus I had bought a big manure spreader and wanted to plow same weeks as spreading manure. Initially we looked at taking one bottom off, hitched it to 656 one day, backed it in to remove the back bottom, got the manual out surveying what had to be changed, also looking at all those bolts nicely set and all with two years rust. Finally I said, "Mike take that up on the big clay hill behind the house and if the 656 will plow that clay hill in 2nd gear on a Nova Scotia April day, we never need worry about being able to pull 5 bottoms with 656." Well, he did and 656 did pull the plow in 2nd gear on the upgrade.

What I noticed initially was reduced cost per acre on wear parts, close to 40%. Also breakage went to nil. We had broken a plow trip beam behind 1066 even though it did trip. But hitting that rock at 6-8 mph with 1066 was a far cry from hitting a rock at 4-6 mph with 656. Trip beams are nice, but it's also nice to have a tire that slips a bit as well.

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10-22-2007 14:34:27

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Hugh MacKay, 10-22-2007 03:44:29  
I hear ya on the wheel slip. I plowed with my 7710 with that 3/16 Brown and there were no end of broken bolts that hold the bottoms to the frame... and when new bolts went in, well then it just bent the frame. The Kverneland 4AB I have now will stop the tractor dead in FWD. It's quite a well matched pair. Only thing I broke on it so far was the tail wheel. The last bottom dragged out a good chunk of a rock and snapped the wheel off at the frame. Other that that it's been trouble free. Couple loose bolts and that sort of thing... Shares last about 75-100 acres. Tips about 15-25 depending on the soil. Coulters are getting down now after several hundred. Land sides do a couple hundred. Shins mabey 150 or so. Boards are still good though. I'm hoping for 1500-2000? We'll see on that. I know that buying this plow was one of the best things we eve did to reduce tillage costs, and that was largely due to the auto reset bottoms and spring coulters...


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Mark from WI

10-19-2007 22:03:33

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
My dad has a IH 720 4-18 semi-mounted hooked to our 986 which has 110hp on a good day and we run high 1 or low 4 depends on the soil which is little bit of everything. I believe the tractor has around 5000hrs and has had 2 clutches and ta"s already our mechanic says tractor is to small for the plow. This next spring we are going to hook my brother"s newly purchased 1256 to it and let the smoke fly. Let the 986 stick to planting the corn.

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Hugh MacKay

10-20-2007 17:04:11

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Mark from WI, 10-19-2007 22:03:33  
Mark: That is ridiculous, a two wheel drive 986 can't get enough traction to go through two clutches and TA in 5,000 hours, plus it probably didn't plow the entire 5,000 hours. Someone's been riding the clutches, both main and TA clutch or it's been run a lot of hours out of adjustment.

I find this hard to believe, 50 years ago WI was full of Farmall H, M, SH, SM, 300, 400, 350 and 450. and it was also full of 2 and 3 bottom trailer plows.

I know what you guys are doing, and I suspect you will go through just as many clutches and TA on a 1256. Same clutch and same TA, just more engine.

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10-19-2007 18:44:29

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
Had 85 hp on a semi mounted 4-16 JD plow, fluid in all 4 tires of the tractor. Got along good, but in tough going could pick up the front wheels, and had to drive as low as 2nd some rough areas (out of 8 gears). Sure would not want any less hp.

Dad used to run a 3-16 trailer plow behind the Oliver 88. For breaking alfalfa mom would drive the H in front, with a chain & tire in between.

Now I have 135 hp on 4-20 plow, that pulls pretty nice. I guess I could put a 5 bottom plow on it, but traction would be a problem I think, & would need to keep the 4 bottom for tough years.

We have some real good hard yellow clay soil. ;)


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10-20-2007 10:44:41

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to paul, 10-19-2007 18:44:29  
Paul, an Oliver 88 had it's hands full around here in WC IL in black gumbo with a 3-16 plow I can only imagine what one pulls like in that clay AND Alfalfa to boot. Of course an M farmall or a JD G would've more than hand it's hands full too. My uncle worked for a guy who had an 88 with big pistons and it pulled that 3-16 right along enough to impress him and he's an other green guy.

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steve from mo - dangit!

10-19-2007 07:53:11

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
We pulled a JD trailer plow with 4-14's with a 56 hp Farmall M (it was souped up a little) and a 58 hp Oliver 88 (also souped up starting with an 880 motor) but that was in light central Iowa soil after corn or beans. Both tractors had fluid in the tires and the Oliver had cast iron weights as well.

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michael price

10-19-2007 06:55:52

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
The JD plow is a trailer type, the disk plow is a semi mount, dont know the brand but its blue.

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michael price

10-19-2007 06:55:50

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
The JD plow is a trailer type, the disk plow is a semi mount, dont know the brand but its blue.

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michael price

10-19-2007 06:55:19

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
The JD plow is a trailer type, the disk plow is a semi mount, dont know the brand but its blue.

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10-19-2007 06:04:49

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
Hugh makes some good points.

We pulled 4-16's with a 560D, about 4 mph on 200 acres a year.

We replaced the shares every other year.

Dad got a 856 (about 30 more HP) and wore out a set of shares in one year moving about 6.5 mph.

Next year we got 5-16 and slowed her down to 5 mph. Shares lasted about 2 years again on 200 acres a year.

I now plow about 80 acres a year pulling 6-16 with a 160 hp MX200 at 7mph and wear the shares out after 240 acres again. (:~{)


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Hugh MacKay

10-19-2007 05:36:21

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
Michael: I presume these are trailer plows, and pulling trailer plows is more about tractor weight on drive wheels than horse power. Yes I agree it takes roughly 12 to 25 hp per bottom depending on soil conditions, but 4 bottoms also require a 7,000# tractor with 60% of weight on the drive wheels.

Forget about these guys pulling a plow of 40s to 80s vintage at 6-8 mph. These plow bottoms were engineered for 3-5 mph and anyone trying to pull them faster knows little about plowing. He is an expert on mess, probably quite good on plow repairs as well.

Remember this, a 4 bottom plow at 3 mph will plow the same land per hour as 3 bottom at 4 mph, probably a bit more as you will have less turning time.

In 1975, I bought a new 5x16 IH semi-mounted plow to use behind a new 1066. My hired cowboys pulled it at 6-7 mph. I cured their problem, we hitched that plow behind 656 and they were forced to plow at 3-4 mph and I sent 1066 off to do some real heavy work. That move reduced the cost of plow wear parts by 40% per acre. When your doing enough plowing that a new set of shares-points go on daily cost is a factor. Even if your not doing big acreage, this is about money in your pocket at years end.

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bill mar

10-20-2007 16:48:41

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Hugh MacKay, 10-19-2007 05:36:21  
Hugh,where did you come up with 4 bottom at 3 mph = 3 bottoms at 4mph?

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Hugh MacKay

10-20-2007 17:43:45

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to bill mar, 10-20-2007 16:48:41  
Bill: I'm not suggesting anyone plows at these speeds with these plows. If you travel at 3 mph for one hour you will travel 15,840' and if your pulling 4x16 plow that is 84,479 square feet of turned soil. If you travel at 4 mph for one hour your will travel 21,120' and if your pulling 3x16 plow you will have turned 84,480 square feet of soil. Now I realize one needs time for turning, not very many places we can plow a 3 or 4 mile furrow. My contention is the big plow will make just good time on the headlands, thus the 4 bottom at 3 mph will probably turn more soil per day than the 3 bottom at 4 mph.

You can use the same criteria with larger plows or more speed, all I'm figuring is distance traveled times width of cut. My point is you can add one more bottom, slow down and plow just as much land. You will burn less fuel, and have less cost per acre on plow wear parts. Most of the plows these guys are talking about were engineered for speeds of 3 to 5 mph, pulling them faster just adds extra cost.

I suspect the new plows being turned out today are not engineered for more speed. I've never used one, however we have a lot of good plowmen in this area and they are still running 4 to 5 mph. I've walked behind more than one of them.

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10-21-2007 11:23:09

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Hugh MacKay, 10-20-2007 17:43:45  
Hi Hugh , So if I understand this a moldboard that is a HS ( high speed ) as opposed to an older one shouldn't be used any faster ? I am a novice at plowing this being my second year doing it with my 1755D Oliver with a fresh rebuild and a good 565 Oliver 4-16 semi-mount plow . I plowed corn stubble under at a variety of speeds to see how smooth a top and how well the stubble was covered that I could do . I started at about 3 mph , that did a lousy job , I kept increasing speed ( this tractor has the over/under hydrual-shift) till a lousy job was done again . In this particular field between 6 and 7 mph at 9" plowing depth seemed to work best with this plow . Moved down to 5 mph in the wetter spots or got stuck altogether . Always got out on my own though with the plow still partway in the ground . I have fluid in 18.4-34 tires ( about 50% tread ) with cast centers on this tractor with an estimated weight of near 12,000+ lbs . But with this being at a plow day meet the field still looked lousy since it had plows of all sizes plowing at different speeds . So could it be that different soil types respond better to different plowing speeds as well as different moldboard designs ? Still learning and with just a day or two of plowing each year I'll never learn much that way . Thanks ! Take care ! ...Randy

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10-22-2007 02:01:12

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Randy-IA, 10-21-2007 11:23:09  
Randy, yes,different soil types will affect how a plow will work. Also type of moldboard. A short moldboard has a heavier angle to it and will therefore break up the groung more in turning it over and at heigher speeds that breaking up of the ground will make for a more smoth field with it throwing the groung farther. The high speed bottom has less angle so the bottom just rolls the ground over without as much breaking action, it will at high enough a speed level out between the furrow slices as well but at those speeds you run a lot more risk of destroying the tractor or plow. That is why it had that busted frog when you got it as it was trying to be pulled to fast and the bottom hit a burried object. If you do not run fast enough with a high speed bottom the slab will not turn over and fall back in place in the furrow you just made. Did you ever get those IHC plows working? That sounds about right for the speed on a high speed bottom and that 3 MPH would be about the correct speed for the IHC plows and with the slower speed where you are pulling 4-16 you could up the number of bottoms to 6-14" with your same amount of power as the high speed takes more power to pull it at those speeds.

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10-19-2007 07:44:07

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Hugh MacKay, 10-19-2007 05:36:21  
Dang Hugh, what kind of ground you plowing that wears out shares on a daily basis?

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Hugh MacKay

10-19-2007 19:07:24

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to georgeky, 10-19-2007 07:44:07  
George: My soils were a sandy loam, and the sand in that soil was very abrasive. I had two young lads on shift work, most of it custom plowing, and they have been known to hit the 150 acre mark in 24 hours with 1066 and 5x16 plow. And yes, I have changed the super chief share-points, same time in the morning, on two consecutive days on more than one ocasion.

I also did custom work with 1066 and a Dika root windrower, just a large version of a rock rake. The drum was 20' long and 42" diameter. The drum had 12" long teeth made of 1-1/4 x 4 solid steel bar with a gusset behind them. The drum was driven by a Staffa 5 cylinder hydraulic motor powered by a hydraulic pump mounted on 1000 rpm PTO shaft. This machine had the ability to kill a 1066 engine cranking out 150+ hp. It would send a 1066 to the fuel supply every 3 to 5 hours depending on conditions. On something over 2,000 acres it cost $21. per hour to rebuild and hard surface the teeth on this machine. The manufacturer of this machine out of Alberta Canada, said he had never seen soil so abrasive on one of these machines. He was acustomed to tooth wear under $15. per hour. The sand in these soils was a mix of sand stone and shale. About 500 acres per bottom and moldboards had holes in them, and that was keeping speed below 5 mph.

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10-19-2007 20:48:29

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Hugh MacKay, 10-19-2007 19:07:24  
Hugh, did you ever work down this way or did you confine your custom work to the mainland? You just described our soil exactly...


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Hugh MacKay

10-20-2007 01:48:44

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to RodInNS, 10-19-2007 20:48:29  
Rod: Never did cross the Causeway, but there was not a lot of difference between Cape Breton and the central to eastern mainland. The sand in those soils is very abrasive. I have done custom work on PEI and that soil is worse for being abrasive.

These continental folks think their hard clay are difficult to plow, and it is, I wont argue with them, however to we easterners plow points last forever. I just moved out of the heavy clay this summer, and what I'm in now is very sandy loam. I've plowed a bit of it did some disking, but I don't think this sandy loam is near as abrasive as the NS-PEI sand. I'll be able to compare better by this time next year.

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Allan In NE

10-19-2007 05:27:05

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
25 horse per bottom minimum. And, that's crowdin' it in heavy soil.


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Glenn F.

10-19-2007 05:31:09

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Allan In NE, 10-19-2007 05:27:05  

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Dave from MN

10-19-2007 05:09:09

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
I would say 20-25 hp per plow board. Most feilds will have have soft easy pulling soils and hard packed black or clay spots or small inclines, a small incline when your plowing can really make it grunt. Better to have more tractor than plow.

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jason, NW Ontario

10-19-2007 04:28:20

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
I believe this is the formula:
# of plows X plowing depth inches X plow share size inches X speed mph X 12 (out of 14 for heavy soil) / 375 ie 4 X 6 X 16 X 4 X 12 / 375
= 49.152 hp minimum. X 1.33 for extra needed hp in tough areas = 65.37 hp. If your soil is even heavier, then it's 76.26 hp

hope it helps some

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john pop1

10-19-2007 03:54:31

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
How large a plow one can pull is dependant on many factors. It is not only a function of horsepower but many other things also. The weight of the tractor, the brand and adjustment of the plow, the type of plow (mounted, semi-mounted, trail), the condition of the tires on the tractor, the number of driving wheels (MFWD, 2WD, the type of ground being plowed (corn ground or sod), the type of soil being plowed, the lay of the ground (hilly, rolling, flat), the skill of the operator using the plow, the depth of plowing required (usually the depth should be 1/2 of the cutting width of the plow bottoms), how fast one wants to pull the plow (3-5mph is usually a good place to start). That being said, a semi-mounted JD 4x16 plow can be pulled with 65hp but 100hp willl do the job much better. Proper adjustment of the plow is critical.

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10-19-2007 00:15:49

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
Up here in WI we used a 730D to pull 4x14's.
Or a Cockshutt 50.
A Farmall 460 gasser could pull em in 4th. But you really became friendly with the gas guy.

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10-18-2007 22:09:57

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
Depends on the ground. In heavy fescue sod here, 4 14's mounted on a 3pt was all I wanted on 105 hp.

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michael price

10-18-2007 21:56:36

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
My dad has a JD 5500 which is 75 ptohp and 89 engine. I think I'll see if I can get the disk plow.

Do disk plows use less power to pull it?

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10-19-2007 09:34:42

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 21:56:36  
Most disk plows will take less power to pull unless a deep breaking disk plow with much larger disks. You'll probably be working less width as it takes a big disk plow to cut a wider width though with several disks on it. Max depth on most smaller disk plows is about 8-10" and speed needs to be kept down just like with other plows to do a decent job. Bouncing a disk plow or a one way disk in wet ground will pack ground like you wouldn't believe if a clay type soil. Speed wears out anything faster when you pull it with more hp in any type of ground. It's a heat vs. abrasive action. Cost factor probably not much different when you have buy new disks or bearings for that plow vs. shares and moldboards.

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10-19-2007 05:35:49

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 21:56:36  
Disc plows were not used in my area so I do not know much about them. I know the Disc plow for the old Fords at 3 blade was equal in cutting width of 2-14" moldboard plows so a 4 blade disc plow may be equal to the cutting width of a 3-12" moldboard or 1 foot less in width than a 4-12" plow or 1 2/3 foot less than a 4-14" or 2 foot less than a 4-16" so that could translate to a lot of difference in power requirements. I figured here for a 12" bottom 13HP, 14" @ 15HP and 16" @ 20HP per bottom.

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Jimmy King

10-19-2007 06:58:46

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Leroy, 10-19-2007 05:35:49  
Remember a disc plow will only cut about 1 ft per disc and less when the disc wear down.

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Lee in Iowa

10-18-2007 21:37:50

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
A 560 at 60 to 70 horse worked pretty well with an Ih 4-14 plow. Hopefully the JD people won't get too mad at me, but I have always been told a JD plow pulls harder. I haven't pulled one, but have even been told that by people who I believe would bleed green. Lee

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JD 1956 60

10-22-2007 18:33:43

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Lee in Iowa, 10-18-2007 21:37:50  

I wouldn't say I bleed green, but most of our tractors are JD green. Plows, mostly red. IH 70 behind the 730's. IH 710 behind the 3020. IH 720's behind the 4020, 4320, and 4620.

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10-19-2007 13:38:23

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to Lee in Iowa, 10-18-2007 21:37:50  
That is a line of BS! Ive plowed with all kinds of plow, and John Deere's never pulled any harder then others, but in most cases did a much better job of plowing.

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Lee in Iowa

10-20-2007 19:52:43

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to SMinWi, 10-19-2007 13:38:23  
My FIL pulled a ford 4 bottom behind a 4020 until it wore out. He then bought a JD 4 bottom, but only used it one year, then went and found an IH. Lee

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10-18-2007 21:24:33

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to michael price, 10-18-2007 20:58:02  
A rough figure would probably be about 1 PTO hp per inch of width. That's not a perfect estimate, but a good guesstimate.....
I can pull 4 20's with a 70-75 hp FWD tractor. 100 hp pulls it faster.


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Mr. Bob

10-20-2007 19:03:28

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 Re: How much power does a 4 bottom plow need? in reply to RodInNS, 10-18-2007 21:24:33  
I agree with you based on my experience of having plowed many acres for many years. Our MF 65 was rated at around 46-48 pto. hp. It handled 3x16 inch mounted, heavy framed JD plows in limestone clay soil quite adequately. In easier sandy soil it played with them. 3 times 16=48; tractor had nearly 48 pto hp. 1 inch per pto hp. is the basic formula I've always adhered to.

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