I am processing a large die-cast dispersal for a family member with 1000's of items from 1990-present, including a handful of John Deere items. One of the items, a replica of John Deere's 1st sponsored NASCAR vehicle, is currently listed and I thought people on this forum might be interested. Please visit www.diecastdispersal.com if interested and view the current listing or review the entire inventory. More John Deere items will be listed at a later date and the plan is to list many items at 1 time rather than a single item. Thanks! Stewart www.diecastdispersal.com Manufacturers: First Gear, Ertl, SpecCast, Corgi, JLE Scale and More. Models: Trucks, Cars, Planes, Boats, Construction, Military, Police, Fire and More. Brands: Mack, Peterbilt, Ford, Harley-Davidson, Chevy, Texaco, Amoco, Hess, NASCAR, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Campbell's, Disney and More.