BC Mike C
11-29-2002 20:40:39
Re: Re: Kauff bauff zoom zoom snort snuffle in reply to one step at a time., 11-29-2002 18:09:43
New plugs, plug wyres and end caps, rotor, cap, condensor, coil, resistor ( correct ohmage for a 12 volt coil ) Points at 15 thou, plugs at 25 or whatever the book says, timing checked made sure I was turning it the right way. Carb kit about four years ago. It ran fine one week ago before I fixed it, was a little hard to start so I thought I would put in the new pieces before it got too cold and the snow was around my ears. The only odd thing about the carb is that it likes the small jet set a 1/4 to 1/2 turn out, any more and it runs rough at low revs. It is running sweet at low revs. Had a problem with a piece of crud in the main jet once before, I checked that and it seems okay, can check again. My list of possibilities are, the ignition switch, an air leak, float level, weak spark as that was the problem with getting it fired up, advance, and crud in the mainjet plus any suggestions the group might have. Thanks BC Mike C