Okay guys, break out the water colors. I need it simple.Just finished a total rewire of my 8N. I need to repolarize the generator. I've read several discriptions of how to do it, but the terms used to identify the various connections on the voltage regulator and/or generator don't match what I'm seeing on my 8N and in the FO-4. Here's what I've got to work with. Regulator has two connections on the top. One goes to the generator field and the other goes to the generator armature. The voltage regulator has a third connection on one side that goes to the terminal block and connects to the common connector on the block.There is also a ground connection on the regulator. My genny has a field, a ground and an armature connection. All mate with the regulator at the other end of the wire. So, which two connections do I short out to repolarize the generator? I know that the motor shouldn't be running, but should the ignition switch be on? It doesn't look like it would matter from the wiring diagram, but I just want to be sure. Sorry for being so long winded. I wanted to define the terms for this stuff as I am seeing it so that you can use the same to tell me what to do. I really don't want to screw anything up after spending two afternoons rewiring, replugin and working over the distributor. This isn't as easy on me as it would have been 25 years ago. Anyway, thanks in advance for the help. Many of you deserve much of the credit if this rehab is successful. I appreciate it greatly!