The oil filter system is a "bypass type". The restrictor controls how much oil passes through the filter, and gets dumped back into the crankcase, either directly, or through the governor, depending upon the tractor's age. It seems to me the average is reputed to be about 10% of the oil pump's output that flows through the filter. (On modern units, ALL the oil pump flow is supposed to pass through the filter, before entering the various oil galleries.) With this BYPASS SYSTEM, with NO restriction, too much of the oil pump's output would pass through the filter, and get "wasted" back to the crankcase, and oil pressure would likely be way too low, possibly to the point the bearings would be "starved" for oil. You say the restriction is in the brass fitting? There has been some discussion here before as to whether the restricion is an oriface in the filter can, or in one of the fittings. Does your's have a tiny hole in the "can", where the oil enters? Likely, there is a tiny hole near the top of the filter cannister's ollow center tube that restricts the oil LEAVING the filter.