I've never seen anything eat mice like these seagulls! The guy taking off our hay has his implements rigged up so that the tractor tires are always flattening the cut hay. As you can imagine, this also flattens a lot of mice. I was raking with my MF35 to stay ahead of my friend on his baler when a flock of six gulls, the pretty white ones with gray wings, happened upon us. Soon they were zooming down to nab the freshly-exposed mice as I lifted the hay off them with the rake. What amazed me was their capacity for food. A hawk will take a mouse, land on a pole and rest for awhile over his meal. Not a seagull. These birds eventually stopped hovering altogether and just sat on bales until they saw another morsel, then flopped over to gag it down. Amazing birds, gulls. Incredible flying skills and garbage guts. Oh yeah, remember the coyote in the back barn? Bill saw a little one in the field today, gnawing on an old shoe. Even coyote puppies need chew toys, I guess.