Darin, for now at least and IFFFFF the ammeter is wired correct, Im thinkin like Rusty, you may have a Voltage Regulator problem (if battery is good) and might be overcharging. If so, it can boil the battery over..... ..... . If you turn the lights and/or ignition on NOT running the ammeter ought to swing over to - discharge, but then when running at wide open if shes charging, it ought to swing over to + charge, with the amount depending on the battery condition and state of charge and the loads like lights n ignition. Typically, if the battery is okay and the genny and VR are both working correct, Id expect it to charge full a while after start up but then gradually back off to half charge and less with time. HOWEVER A BAD BATTERY CAN CAUSE HER TO DRAW HIGHER THEN NORMAL AMPS. If a voltmeter is placed on the battery it ought to read 12.6 volts setting not running and then at wide open maybe 13 to a lil over 14 IFFFFF the battery is good and the genny and especially the VR is working correct. HOWEVER after the battery is charged and ifffff fff its a good battery with no bad or shorted cells, if the voltmeter reads well over 14 and it STAYS THERE for a long period I SUSPECT THE VR IS BAD and you could overcharge the battery. Other possible problems may be a minor short whereby the genny and VR are trying to pump out amps to supply it which causes it to read high charge amps through the ammeter yet the battery isnt receiving all the voltage BUTTTT such a short would have to be in between the ammeters supply terminal and the battery connection, often on or mear the starter solenoid or switch. Sooooo a good voltmeter on the battery can tell a lot..... . If it stays up well over 14 volts even after a long period and the battery is charged and the ammeter shows high charge and the battery is okay I SUSPECT THE VR. Have a shop LOAD TEST the battery also!!!!! !!!! When shes showing that high charge and if it stays there, if you remove the wire from the VR that wires to the gennys Field post, the charging amps ought to drop muchhhhh h lower. If the VR's current control relay is bad it could be stuck/burned in the position that calls for high charge by continually dead grounding the Field, which is again, a VR problem..... Best wishes, keep an eye on the battery acid and for signs or over charging n boil over in the meantime, signs of overcharging. You reallyyyyy need a voltmeter on the battery to see whats happening also. John T