Matt, an ammeter is a low impedance pass through current measuring device so it wires in series between the alternators output and the battery. If hooked up right and its good, BOTH terminals should read hot battery voltage with respect to frame ground, as its almost like a short circuit across its 2 terminals. Its Supply side terminal has but one wire attached that gets its voltage from the hot ungrounded battery post, often via where the big battery cable attaches to a starter switch or solenoid. Its other Load terminal is what wires to the alternators main output stud PLUS it feeds battery voltage to loads such as lights and ignition via the BAT input terminals on such switches. On a Negative ground tractor I would expect the ammeters + Supply terminal to wire to the battery/starter and its - Load terminal to wire to the alternator and switches. Reverse that if on a Positive grounded tractor. If you hook it up and turn on lights or ignition tractor not running, it should swing over to - discharge but then when running if charging system works, swing over to + charge. If it does just the opposite no problem, simply reverse its leads. To answer your question YES it probably has like a + and - terminal. Hope this helps, post back any questions, best wishes n God Bless John T