It"ll be fine, we do it al the time. When we pull out the grain drill for the year, we ussually vacume out the old seed just to make sure the seed tubes aren"t clogged for any reason, then we mix the old and the new and never have any problems. We"ve got some seed corn that"s been around for probably 4-5+ years now, and we use it when we"re in a pinch because we underestimated how much seed we really need. The stuff is for a shorter season and it doesn"t get nearly as tall as the other stuff we normally plant, meaning it doesn"t put as much in the silo. But, if weather"s knocking and we"re outa seed, sometimes ya just gotta nite the bullet and hope for the best. If we"re really short, we"ll hold off until we can buy a few more bags. As long as it"s kept dry and isn"t exposed to the elements, it"ll be fine. We normally just put the seed in a few empty barrels up in the grainery in the shed, no temp. control. Donovan from Wisconsin