Gary in Geneva's comment on having your bank deposit covered by FDIC is right on and as far as security goes, one FDIC bank is just as good as the next. Service can vary. My search for the best rates have at different times taken me to MBNA, Capitol One, ING Direct, First National (Omaha) and others in the twin cities. The one with the best rate for the period, I desire at the time, is the one that gets my money and any I have dealt with I would deal with again. Mostly I bank at Wells Fargo on-line and am well satisfied, except on C.D.s, others usually have better rates. If you are Well’s on-line account you can look at a menu and select from hundreds maybe thousands of brokered C.D.s and other fixed rate instruments with every maturity and credit rating. will show a 5.05% rate currently in a savings account. You can connect this to your checking account at your bank and do ACH (money) transfers back and forth. If you have free checking on your checking account, these transfers should be free also. They are now showing C.D. rates of 5.1% on terms from 6 months to 10 years. Overseas is not for me. Thank you God for on-line banking. Disclosure: I do not own or have ownership in any of the above institutions and many banks especially small-town, do not want people to think like this.