Tractor Manuals FAQ
General Information - Frequently Asked Questions
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Which manual do I need? |
- Service Manual:
The service manual tells you how to take the tractor apart, how to fix it, and how to put it back together again. It is the manual that the factory furnished the dealer’s shop service department, and was not sent or given to individual retail customers. These are authentic manuals that deal with repairs in the language of a mechanic. Often times they include much valuable information as to specifications, torque's, etc. If you are in the serious repairs or restoration, you need the shop service manual. It can give you many short cuts and save you much time.
- Operator's Manual:
The operator’s manual (sometimes referred to as the owner’s manual) is the manual that came with the tractor. The manual that was given to the ultimate consumer by the manufacturer. It can be compared to the manual you receive in the glove box of a new car. This manual gives the owner-operator instructions, shift patterns, capacities (anti freeze, crankcase, etc.) and adjustment procedures (brakes, clutch, etc.). This is a very useful and valuable tool in operating your tractor.
- Parts Manual:
The parts manual has exploded views of all parts on the tractor. With numbered pictures giving you great detail on assembly and disassembly. It also gives you a guide, with numbers, for ordering parts, and makes you seem much more informed when talking to the dealer. Many service manuals, after telling you how to disassemble, in detail, and how to repair, will simply say “reassemble”. If you have your PTO in the wash tank, in 30 pieces, without notes, you have a problem. The parts manual can help you out with an exploded view of the PTO unit, and you can see immediately how it all goes back together. You need the parts manual!
Helpful Tip: If you haven't done so already, you might want to consider purchasing both the Service Manual and the Parts Manual for your tractor (if available). The service manual provides the instructions you need for making repairs, while the parts manual offers premium views of the individual components and their part numbers (which may be necessary for purchasing replacement parts).
The operators manual contains the basic information for maintaining and operating your tractor, so these are handy have also.
If you select the manufacturer of your tractor below, then enter the model name or number and click on "Search", we'll can see what manuals we have available for it:
Where do these manuals come from? |
Our supplier maintains the largest collection of original tractor manuals in the world (more than 16,000)! These
are now being made available to tractor owners by making deluxe copies in their world-wide headquarters. Many of the manuals
are custom printed for you when ordered.
| What do the manuals look like? |
These are deluxe copies of the factory originals. Most are in 8-1/2 x 11 inch size with spiral binding
so that they will lay flat while being used. This does not include John Deere manuals. Most JD manuals
are new or near-new originals and are not reproduced by our supplier.
When will I receive my order? |
Each manual listed shows the approximate shipping time. Many manuals are
shipped within 1-2 business days, and some are shipped within 7-8 days
when it needs to be custom printed from the original to meet your request.
Manuals are shipped Postal Priority Mail which usually takes 3 days to arrive
after shipping. You can calculate the delivery time by adding 3 days to the
shipping days in the manual listing.
What if I need to make a return? |
Returns are not a problem. Please see our
Order Info page for information on how to return all or part of your order.
What if I have more questions? |
The fastest way to get your questions answered is to contact us using our online
questions form. If you are unable to get answers
either online or through our query form, please call us during business hours
(10-6:30 Mon-Fri EST) using our toll free line: 800-853-2651 and we'll do our
best to help you get the answers you need.

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(800) 853-2651 Mon-Fri 7am-7pm CT
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