Yesterday's Tractor Company offers a full line of parts, service / repair, and owners / operators
farm tractor manuals for almost every make or model of farm tractor. In order to know what
type of farm tractor manual it is that you need, it is important to understand the different
information provided in the three types of farm tractor manuals. Parts manuals
offer exploded views of all the parts of a tractor in order to assist in
repair jobs involving the tractor. Service/repair manuals offer
help and instructions on how to service and repair your tractor. Owner/operator
manuals are the manuals provided by the manufacturer to the customer
who bought the farm tractor, outlining the details and general information regarding
the use and maintenance of your machine. Intertec manuals are scaled down summaries of important
technical and service information, compiled by a third party.
See our Ordering Information page for information about ordering over the phone, and our current shipping and return policies.