third party imageTerminology

[ View Follow Ups ] [href="#postfp">Post y Indian Guy on June 18, 1998 at 10:21:17:

: : : : When I was young, I'd look at my grandads
: : : Farmall, and my cousins WD45, then, I'd look
: : : : at my neighbors johnnny popper. I'd look at that
: : : : big spander the hood and wo a good thing that your neighbor didn't let you drive the Johnny "rattle trap" or you would still be havnightmares!! That would scare any kid. You probably wouldn't want anything to do with any tractor now and would be seeing a nk.

: Going backled it with 2 gallons of gas, I did this for a week allways 2 gallons and by the end of the week the treere down and the gaso drive down a stake to see if you were moving. It was replaced with a 40 crawler which was geared fasteaybe the MC was where they got the phrase "push forward". :-)

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