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Farmall Cub sickle bar mower??

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Posted by Guy Snyder on February 16, 1998 at 07:19:30:

Can anyone tell me how much a decent sickel bar mower for my 47 Cub is worth?? I am looking to purchase one and want to know what price range is too much. Also, a neighbor of mine has a 42 inch Woods belly mower for sale for $350.00. I am interested in it, but it looks like it will need a couple new blade shaft bearings and it is kinda rusty and needs cleaned up and painted. Does this sound like a reasonable price?
I also have a couple technical questions. First my Cub runs like a top, but after it has sat for a couple days it is a bugger to get started again. It turns over and turns over and acts like it wants to start, but I typically find that I run my battery down before it will finally start and stay running. It seems like I can't choke it much when it turns over or gas starts dripping out if the carb. Strangly though, the
few times I have pulled plugs at this point, they don't seem to be wet. I should mention that I live in Northern PA and it is fairly cold this time of year, I have only haed the Cub since last fall, I don't recall having this problem when it was warmer out. Is it just a "cold" thing? It runs great after I finally get it running. One other question.....the alternator reads charging when it is running, but when I turn
the lights on it goes into negative charge and it does start wearing the battery down the longer I run it. Is there anything I can do to make it charge better. I believe the generator was rebuilt before I bought it. It is still the original 6 volt system. Any help anyone can give me on any of this would be greatly appreciated!! (anyone have a spare hand crank for a Cub for sale?? It's the only thing I need to make her
complete!) Thanks!! Guy

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