Posted by Bob on February 19, 1998 at 09:50:19:
In Reply to: Convert Positive to Negative Ground posted by Paul on February 19, 1998 at 06:39:14:
: I have several older vehicles (cars/tractors) with positive ground systems and would like to convert to negative ground to save confusion when jumping, etc. It seems to me that on a tractor this could be done by just re-polarizing the generator and swaping the coil leads since the starter doesn't care about polarity. What about the regulator? I realize a car would be more complicated due to the accessories such as fan motor and radio but a tractor would seem pretty simple. What am I missing?
Paul -
Repolarizing the generator and swapping the coil
leads is all you need to do for a tractor. Same
with an old car/truck. And unless heater fan,
wiper, etc motors have permananent magnet
fields, old cars don't care what polarity they
see either. Tube-type car radios don't care, but
transistor or hybrid (tubes+transistors) radios
ARE polarity sensitive and will self-destruct if
polarity is reversed...
Good luck!