Posted by Charles on February 28, 1998 at 09:44:46:
In Reply to: Noisy JD "B" brake posted by SteveW/swMI on February 23, 1998 at 17:01:36:
: Right brake on a recently purchased B clanks. Can fix by pushing pedal down a bit and latching in place. What's the permanent cure. Brake works but noise isn't normal.
I'm not an expert, but my "B" had serious wear on both the enter and outer bushing, the shafts were worn as well. You should be to find out if this is the problem shaking the drum up and down and seeing if the drum is hitting the cast iron housing. To replace the bushing I used a jigsaw to carefully saw through the bushing wall and then drove them out (first try driving them out without cutting, you may get lucky). It is not a difficult job unless the brake adjusting screw is frozen and you can't back off the adjustment. Mine was worn so bad that I had to turn down the shaft and make oversize bearings. Charles Hood