Posted by Leon Cook on March 04, 1998 at 09:59:12:
In Reply to: Ford 860 draft control posted by Ken in Wisconsin on March 04, 1998 at 06:40:01:
: I seem to have a problem with the "draft control" setting on my 3 point. The "position control" works just fine. I use a back blade for plowing snow and it raises and lowers nicely and holds position where I set it. On the "draft control" setting, however, nothing happens. The blade just sinks to the ground, no matter where I position the control lever. It will not raise at all. What is my likely problem??
My guess is a linkage problem. I have an NAA which is a few years older and last fall it got where it would barely lift in draft control mode. There is a threaded rod type linkage under there. After adjusting it, I had power again. Seems that in the draft contol mode the linkage was never able to fully activate the valve. My brother told me he thought it could be adjusted through the panel below the hydraulic control lever. I actually removed the cover under the seat which has the cylinder and lift arms, etc. I'm not a mechanic or Ford expert, but maybe my experience with a similar tractor can help you.