Posted by John.COLO on March 06, 1998 at 06:51:22:
In Reply to: Ford 861 posted by Paul W. on March 05, 1998 at 23:14:14:
Best utility tractor of its era. 45+ hp, live hyd, live PTO, 5 speed with a good reverse-3rd shift pattern. Needs ballast to get power to ground.
This tractor needs a top-end overhaul, at least. You'd grind the valves too. Does it have oil pressure when hot? (bottom end O/H).
If you don't mind the smoke and replacing spark plugs frequently, just run it like it is. It has enough power to give up a little. Otherwise, figure $750 to $1500 to O/H engine.
: I'm looking at buying a Ford 861. Does anyone
: know much about this machine. Good or bad?
: Another thing about it is that it burns quite a
: bit of blue smoke. Would it be wise to stay away
: from this tractor?