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Re: Re: Powdered lead in the tires???

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Posted by Scott F on March 18, 1998 at 14:25:03:

In Reply to: Re: Powdered lead in the tires??? posted by Don on March 18, 1998 at 09:32:08:

: You mentioned the powder was white, is it white or is it a light gray? If it is light grey it is most probably lead. Lead in tires has not been used since the late 50's and into the 60's. It is dangerous, do not breath the dust. Most tire shops today are not prepared to handle it and you will need to contact a waste disposal company or someone in your county disposal-landfill to assist in the legal dispatch of the material. You may have bought a far greater expense than you realized, the owner probably came out well because you paid him well to take his hazardous material away for him.: This weeked I puchased a tractor that the farmer said would be very heavy because it has powdered lead in the tires. He did not know exacly what it was but did not think it really was lead. I had to use a semi truck to bring the tractor home. It wieghed 17,000 pounds. It has about 1" valve stems. The powder that comes out is white and very fine. Like dry road dust. I asked the farmer if I could pay the local tire dealer to remove it but he said they are not equiped to deal with it anymore. What is this powder. I have to remove it to get
: : wieght down to something I can haul. I need to know what it is so I can dispose of it properly.

This stuff is white maybe off white like biege. Not gray. Very, very fine like dust. The guy called it powder lead but said he did not think it was really lead. It is a 1960 tractor.

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