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Re: best tractor?

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Posted by Wes J on March 18, 1998 at 21:41:32:

In Reply to: best tractor? posted by Susan on March 17, 1998 at 22:12:22:

: We just bought a little 4+acre in Western Washington. We need to a tractor to prep and mow/maintain the property. I have 2 horses to do most of the "mowing". But, I need a tractor. My father is an old farmer/construction man (who loves JD's) but says a Ford is best for our needs. Its about a 2% grade with a bit of aswell to it. I want a front-loader (for snow and poop) with a disk and maybe a box scraper. I've been looking around, but I'm not sure what to look/ask for. I don't want to get taken advantage of (I'm female). What's the best older tractor and can I expect to pay more than 4k for one (my budget is tight)? Any advice about where to look and how much to pay?

Susan, best you start going to some Auction Sales where there selling tractors. But be careful there are some bummers out there. Do they have Auction sales in Washington (state I take it)?

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