Posted by Ole BoB on March 27, 1998 at 18:04:15:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Ford 600 Serial Numbers posted by Lee on March 23, 1998 at 19:41:32:
Ok ,late 1964 saw the introduction of the 600 series.
The 650 which I have is a 5 speed with a live PTO
The 640 is a 4 speed without live PTO like the jubilees
Mine was made in 1957 .I was told the first nu 6 is
600 series the 5 means 5-speed and the 0 means something
But I can't remember Ole BoB:
: : : Help! :
: : Don't panic, man! Those numbers you quote, are they stamped or cast? Sounds like you are reading casting numbers. The actual tractor serial number is stamped, not cast.
: : As Far As I Know, the serial number location on the 600-series was on the left side of the transmission housing to rear of starter motor on a semi-vertical flat spot.
: : Year of manufacture is easy-
: : Year serial #
: : 1954- 1
: : 1955- 10615
: : 1956- 77271
: : 1957- 116368
: : Dan
: Dan,
: Thanks for the response. The numbers I referred to were either immediately in front of or behind the running boards on the left and right side respectively. They do appear to be cast into the metal as opposed to "stamped" I will check them out and look for the serial number next to the starter area on the transmisison housing. Know of any good web sites where I can learn more about this machine??
: Cheers,
: Lee