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Re: Ford 861

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Posted by John on April 01, 1998 at 19:33:32:

In Reply to: Ford 861 posted by Don on April 01, 1998 at 14:28:43:

I don't really know that much about it but from what I've been told, I gather the Selectomatic was a great option so long as it was properly maintained. Problem is, most weren't properly maintained. Sounds like you may have gotten one of the ones that was.

As far as the 861 itself is concerned, everyone I've talked says it's a great tractor.

: I have a nice 861 Ford with Selectomatic. The tractor is great for mowing, moving snow, etc. Why am I told this tractor is not desirable? Has the selectomatic been a severe problem or just getting a bumb rap?

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