Posted by gary on April 15, 1998 at 09:21:18:
In Reply to: No fuel to plugs -cub posted by john payne on April 13, 1998 at 19:23:03:
: My cub just started to become hard to start.It's always started well in the past. But recently while doing alittle work she coughed alitte and the idle seemed to be off. like it was starving for gas. I replaced the intake gasket checked the suction on engine side that seemed to be drawing fine, the comprestion in the cylinders were all around #85. Took the carb off and cleaned it.floats and needle seem fine (when i choke it to try to sart it it does over flow so i know thers gas to carb but no gas to heads i have taken the main pick up tube off and reemed it is there any thing else i could try? also is that proper comprestion? tanks
Sounds like you have a blocked passage in the carb. I had a similar experience with a JD H. It would start and run but had to be pulled or you had to shoot gas down the throut of the carb. After rebuilding it twice I took all the plugs out of the carb and ran a fine wire through all passages. That took care of it.