I see a couple of pages back, I'm beening asked about. Well,,,,, the big fight is still on. Weather I'm winning or not is still up in the air. I'm home for the weekend, but tommarow I have to be back at Milwaukee's VA Hospital for 5 more days of radiation, then home for the weekend and then one more week of Radiation, then a weekend off and then I transfer back to the VA Hospital at Madison Wisconsin for more CHEMO treatments. I'm loaded head to toe and because of all the places,,,it's incurable. The only hope is to slow it down and maybe get it into remission and get me some more time. Nothing will change around here except for the addition of a mobil home that son Pat and his wife and that little cowboy parner of mine, Shawn, will totally take over. The place will still be HANLEY HEREFORD RANCH with two banger JD 'S. We've set up a parnership between Pat and my wife and my wife will remain in ythe main house til it's time for her to go. I may be here a couple of months yet or maybe able to hang around for a couple or years yet. It's all up to God. My local preist stops once a week to see me and give me comunnion. Have good days and bad days. Had the 630 down to the show last week at Westby, but could not have done it with out the sons and the grandsons..... ..WHAT A GREAT FAMILY!!!!! !!!!! Thanks for asking. I do love this site and like helping people. At 60 there's 50 years of "STUFF" on JD both in the brain and on paper in the back office.