Jon C. sure does like to put me on the spot - LOL!! You already have some good advice here, especially on the holes in the seat. When I bought my '41 B out of Platteville, Wisconsin, it had some odd-ball seat on it. The seller later sent me the original Operator's Manual and the original seat (totally not repairable, but original) - nine holes in it. An interesting story (rumor/old wives' tale/whatever) about the size of those seats. Tractors prior to the styling action had smaller, flatter, possibly 24-hole seats (correct me if I'm wrong, Jon). Supposedly, Henry Dreyfus walked around the factory, found the guy with the biggest backside, and made the new seats to fit that guy. One of my tasks used to be assigning and arranging office space for our company, and everyone had their own opinion as to what we should do. The saying went that "Everyone that has an a$$ is a seating expert". Maybe the saying goes back to when Dreyfus was styling the A and B tractors in the late '30s, eh? Fan color?? I remember Dad's '43 B having a yellow fan blade until he had it repainted in the late '40s. Other than that, I couldn't comment except to say that my memory is not perfect. When I restored my '41 B, my buddy and I argued about which color the fan blades should be. They got painted green and the first time I showed it, I found a note tied to the air cleaner that said, "I still think the fan blades should be the other color". That would have happened no matter what color I painted them, I suspect. Wheels? I hope someone else can help on this one, as well as the shape of the fuel line. Best advice previously given? Get a Parts Catalog, PC-330, Service Manual SM-2004 and Operator's Manual OM-R2005. Good luck, and enjoy your new toy! Stan Huff Melbourne, FL