: : : My '52 CA starts and idles fine, but when I put it in gear and drive it, it will stall after about 1 minute ?It will start right up after it stalls. It has been converted to 12v but the alternator does not appear to be charging. Also what is the knob to the left of the key for? And what should the oil pressure be? Thanks for any info. : : Have an Orange Day!!!: AC52, it sounds like you have a fuel starvation problem. Remove the sediment bowl and turn on the valve, you should get a decent flow. Put back the bowl and remove the drain under the carb. turn on the valve. you should get a decent flow. if not check the lines for debis. can't help you with the alternator, unless that switch starts it charging? or maybe a light switch. I have a "C" and i only have on off switch and lights/charging rate selector. first position lights on second lights off with high charge rate. : Good luck! Rob PB: I agree with what Rob says, and in addition, try this test: when the tractor is cold, merely start it and let it idle for quite a while, say 15 to 20 minutes. If it dies on its own accord before this time, I would also look to the elctrical components, in particular the condensor and coil. These electrical problems seem to show themselves upon warming up, either idling or being driven, as you described.