I really want a 17 (gas or diesel, any series, but a 4 would be nice), but the guys at the shop say that a 15 will do the same work. So I'm not opposed to a 14 or 15. I finally found a 15 local, but the owner is LOCO. It's a diesel (yeah, they're rare)with battery box on the axle, fair/poor condition original paint, ps pump on the generator (bad), 25% rubber, and front wheel weights. Guages look okay but fuel gauge is full of water. Snapper only-- Asking $4600--yikes I'll go buy a Chat's tractor with that kind of dough. So, 17 or 15- which one would you prefer to start your collection with? I already let the WD45 slip away (The definitive snappy governor!) From now on the ORANGE stops HERE. I plan to collect at least a 15, 17, and 19. Maybe a 10/12 for grins and a 21 for pulls and general head turning. And if you see a 15 or 17 for sale within 150 miles of Middle TN let me know. Thanks