OK, here goes - from many years of trying to use an 8 volt battery in a old willys jeep: - You can just install the battery with no other changes. It will work ok, but the battery life will be shorter because the battery is never fully charged. Most 6 volt systems charged the battery up to 7 to 7.2 volts, which I'm sure is less than optimum for an 8 volt battery. 12 volt systems like 14 to 14.4 volts, so I'd guess the 8 volt likes something between these two. - Your points and lights are likely to have a little shorter lifespan due to the higher voltage on the coil if you up the charging voltage .... - If you have an external 6 volt regulator (read a separate box with 3 coils inside) you can bend the spring tab on the "A" coil (I think - it's been a while since I did this) *very* slightly to increase spring tension and thereby increase the voltage. Two cautions - (1) a very tiny change goes a looong way - use a voltmeter to see what you're getting , and check the voltage with the cover back on the regulator for a true reading (usually slightly less that you read with the cover off), and (2) don't increase it too much. Your generator may not like supplying that kind of voltage. A trip to the local auto electric repair shop for information may be in order here. - If your AC tractor has the original 3 position light switch for charging I don't think there's anything you can do to increase the voltage. That resistor and the brush settings in the generator seem to set the charge rate. At least that's what I have been told by smarter people than me. I went through all of this with my 1951 CA some years ago and finally decided to install a true 6 volt regulator (NAPA VR63, I believe - just be sure it's for 6 volt positive ground). Worth every penny. My 6 volt battery keeps charged and lasts 4 to 6 years now with only occaisional use (read it gets cranked about 6 times all winter and sees less than 50 hours of use each year). I really didn't want to go 12 volt on that tractor and still don't. I changed the 3 position charging light switch out for a generic regular light switch from NAPA, changed a few wires to hook it all up correctly and everything's great. I did have the starter re-worked. I thought it was dragging. The auto electric shop said it looked fine but they re-worked it anyway per my instructions and presto! it cranks much faster and better now. And my willys jeep? It's 12 volt now - that 140 cubic inch L-head seems to be much harder to turn over than my CA's 125 cubic inch engine. Even with a ballast resistor it's burning points too often (twice a year) so I'm planning to install a Genesee Products wiring kit and electronic ignition on it this summer to cure that little problem ....! Hope *all* that helps a little. I'm no expert on this, just interested in it. Try at your own risk - I don't guarantee or warranty any of this info. It's just what I've been through and done with some advice and help.