Zak, I'm not familiar with that particular model, but since you mentioned ether, I'll assume it's a diesel. I'll also assume you're up there in snow country somewhere. First, is the tractor supposed to be a "runner"? If it's got bad rings or valves, the compression may be too low to support ignition. If it's supposed to be a runner and it won't start with ether, the only thing that jumps out at me is no compression. I would also say bad injection pump, clogged filters or water in the filters, but since ether's not working, then it points back to REAL LOW compression--caused by either bad valves or rings or valve timing off. On a diesel which typically has a gear-driven camshaft, that would mean a broken cam or something broken on the crank gear, cam gear or an idler gear. Pull the valve cover and watch for rocker arm action while turning the engine over. You can also make sure the fuel system is purged of any air and if possible you can crack the fuel line nuts on the injectors while cranking--do this one at a time and watch and listen for fuel spray. Be careful not to let the fuel hit your skin or eyes. If the pump's working good you can get a serious injury from the fuel spraying at high pressure!!! A less likely possibility--a clogged air filter. And lastly--my old D17 has a fuel shut-off lever--make sure that's in the correct position. Again though--the ether should ignite on the first or second revolution. At least you should see the engine stop rotation or knock when the ether tries to fire off. I thought of one more possibility right before I sent this--you could have a blown head gasket, but it would almost have to be blown on every cylinder. It seems that you'd at least hear some firing on the "good" cylinders. Just thought I'd mention that too. Check the oil for milky color and check the radiator for oil mixing in the coolant. Hope something here helps--maybe others more familiar with that model can add more pertinent info. Good luck with it. Kevin (FL)