OK, let's add a little more mud to the mix. Figure a good 6 volt battery costs $60.00+. 8 volt batteries cost more. A good 12 volt can be had for around $35.00 depending on size (you probably want a group 26 to fit inside the box) and a GM 10si alternator will run you $35.00 to $50.00 depending on where you get it. If you get tired of that 3 position light switch not giving you the charge you need (because you and I don't leave it on enough or leave it on too long) like I did you may opt for a 6 volt regulator instead - another $65.00 or so. My 6 volt battery in my CA lasts 5 years now instead of the 2+ years it was lasting before the regulator was added. The bottom line is that I like a 6 volt system and have no problem with an 8 volt in a 6 volt system, but in the long run the 12 volt conversion will save you money. Cheaper battery, lasts longer (probably), and so forth. (OK, OK, you have to add the cost of a ballast resistor for the distributor and some 12 volt light bulbs, but you're still money ahead, I think.) And if you want to keep that "original" l;ook you *can* rewire your 6 volt generator for 12 volt. Costs around $90.00. That's what I usually do for the tractors I have that need charging system attention.