Haven't had much experience with Allis plows, but I had a JD 4-14 that worked great behind an 856 Farmall. Then I stopped using a moldboard plow altogether and just used a chisel plow. I don't want to start a war, but I had two bachelor uncles who were such John Deere freaks that to them it was totally unthinkable to have ANY piece of machiner that wasn't JD. They wouldn't even own any aftermarket. If John Deere didn't make it, they wouldn't own it. For that reason, my father absolutely refused to own any JD machinery. I'm neutral. I owned a couple of JD combines, the 4-14 plow, and I still own a #5 mower. My uncles did custom corn shelling,(With a JD sheller)and one time they were shelling for our neighbor, "Art". Art had all Oliver tractors. His son-in-law, Carl, showed up with a Massey 44. When the sheller was shut down and it was quiet enough to converse, Carl yelled, "Hey Art, do you know why they paint Olivers green?" Of course Art said, "No". Carl replied, "So you can hide them in the weeds while a good tractor goes by". Since John Deere's are green, my uncles were so mad I think they were about ready to pack up their sheller and go home. I know it's long, but I just HAD to tell that.