I have a beat-up Case 431 diesel tractor that I use for maintaining a rough pasture, plowing snow, etc. Well, actually my wife says it's hers, but I'm the one that has to keep it running. :-) Sadly, I just broke a spindle on it a few weeks ago when the steering linkage came apart while mowing with the rotary deck. The tractor is sitting in the field waiting for me to figure out what to do. The previous owner grafted a heavy loader frame and hydraulics onto it. (I think the frame is from a Massey-Ferguson.) I've been meaning to remove it, 'cos it really beats on the front end. Guess I waited too long. First job after fixing the front end is to remove the darn loader frame, and put it on the front lawn with a "For Sale" sign. A lot of parts have been reinforced in the front. I'm not too well equipped with skills or tools for advanced metalworking. I'm inclined to replace anything that looks modified or badly worn, but I'm not sure whether I'll be able to get all the parts. I'm going to visit my local Case dealer this week when they're open, but in the meantime I thought I'd cast about for general advice on how to proceed, since I've had mixed luck in getting parts from Case in the past. Any comments are welcome. Here's what I think I know about the tractor: Model 431 No. 819913 (that's 1962, right?) Engine S/N 2006708 Tripl-Range drive Eagle Hitch (General Purpose, not Utility) Adjustable front axle (not sure what width) I have gotten hold of a parts manual, service manual, and owner's manual, that's how I figured out the type of hitch and drive. Some questions weighing on my mind: - Would it make sense to try to find a used front axle assembly and replace the whole thing? - Is there any hope of finding a more appropriate loader frame that fits this tractor? - Any general safety/procedure advice for field repairs to the front end? The picture in this message was obviously taken before the wheel fell off!