Bad News People! The news is back on my grandfather's 1949 Case DC-4. After removing the access ports, tightening the babbit bearings ( and removing shims), setting the timing, and checking compression( 110 lbs average), the mechanic confirmed his diagnosis the knock is a bad wrist pin. He said the only fix was to take apart the motor, remove the pistons. While the pistons are out he suggested that the sleeves should be done, crankshaft ground, and so on. He also found that the seals on the sleeves are worn( He siad a Bar's leak additive is often a successfull cure to prevent antifreeze seepage.Here's what I want to know.... Is there another way to fix without a complete rebuild? I have no plans to work this tractor, just the occasional riding around the yard and parades... The mechanic said that if it was to be a working tractor daily(plowing, pushing snow, etc) the repairs would be necessary. He thought that for the amount of use it is going to have, the engine might last years. What do you people think? Thanks for your input. Greg