My DC-3 was running well a few weeks ago - all of the sudden, it started acting differently. Here is what it was doing:It would basically idle ok maybe a little more variation in rpm at idle than before when it was running well. Occasionally even at idle, it would cough and sputter one time then level out and not do it again for maybe 45 seconds. Under load, it bucks and sputters almost continuously, and can't pull it's weight up a hill without almost dying. I bought a rebuild kit (which as it turned out didn't have many parts I could use in it) - I replaced the float rod, idle adjusting screw, needle, and seet plus gaskets. I didn't really change anything by doing this - it still runs decent at idle but won't pull itself out of a wet bag (and it had absolutely tons of power a few weeks ago) - I have noticed that the main jet is buggered up pretty bad and looks as though it can't be pulled from the bowl assembly as the screwdriver slot has been busted of (trying to remove it I assume) can a buggered up jet cause what I am experiencing? Also the air tube that goes up to the intake gets ice cold when it's running now and sweats (it could have been doing this before but I never noticed it). I am purchasing a completely re-built carb from this website - do you all thin this will fix my problem or am I looking in the wrong spot? P.S. Distributor cap is new as are the plug wires and it appears that the points and condensor are new too. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I live in Thornville, OH