bill koob
03-02-2003 16:49:48
OK! Don - here are some of what Pop remembers. Ed Miller - blockman Aberdeen, Sd - Branch Manager Mpls 50's Wilber O'Hara - Sioux Falls Branch Manager 30-50's Ed Muske - Branch Manager Mpls 60's - 70's Ray Harris - Blockman - 50's Fay Kraul - Blockman - 50's He was a son-in-law of the Moens at InWood, Ia The Moens were Case dealers for many years. Tom Barret - blockman - put my dad in business during the 30's George Theodison - Blockman late 30-40's Brad Shellum - Madelia, Mn 40's-50's Bill Verhook - Edgerton, Mn 40's for sure Walkup - Pipestone, Mn 30-40's Pete Penn - branch manager Mpls 50's Miller's - Tracy Mn - 40-50's Bilson - Sheldon, Ia 40's - Drenth - Lismore, Mn 60's - 70's Krogman - Lismore, Mn ?? Loosbrook - Lismore, Mn ? Joe Kontz - Lismore, Mn ? Madison - Lismore, Mn 50's Alex Powell - Tracy 50's - 60's Roedens - Madison, Sd 40's - 50's Harold Hook & Otto Meaden - Lake Wilson,Mn 30's Cy Overson - Dovary, Mn 30's - 40's Frank Kalhish - Windom, Mn 30's - 50's Overson - Chandler, Mn 30's - 40's Matson - Westbrook, Mn 30's - 40's L. Hasevold - Flandreau, Sd 30's - 50's Frank Johnson - Fulda, Mn 30's - 40's Egan - Ellsworth, Mn - 30's 40's Joe McGee - Slayton, Mn 30's - 40's Shaefers - Avoca, Mn 30's - 40's Miller - Tracy, Mn 30's - 50's Martin - Worthington, Mn 30's To bad my grandfather is not alive today he could really tell you about dealers - but - he would be 126 years old (he was an implement deal too) - dad is only about 90 now. He could not remember the dealers in RedWood Falls and Granite Falls Mn. If he remembers anymore I'll let you know.Sure were quite a few Case Dealers in Murray County - Mn during the 30's.