So, I'm getting to know these old 580B's I picked up a few weeks back. Generally, they are fine machiens and I am really enjoyiong them.A couple of minor problems and questions have arisen. Some of these will be answered by manuals, when I get around to buying them, I'm sure. 1. The loader arm has one cylinder on the left and two on the right. The "extra" one is shorter and nearly vertical, and connects to a bump in the loader arm near the pivot point. What is this for? 2. One the older of the two machines, when the hydraulics are not warmed up, and sometimes when they are, I get a squeak/binding sound coming out of this "extra" cylinder on the way up. Also, its bottom pin/bushing are fairly worn, since I see it wiggle when under strain. Also i've seen a bit of white-ish oil around its top seal. This scared me, thinking there was water in the hydraulic oil. I drained some and there wasn't. I did get a squeak once and determined that the hyd oil was low, but sometimes it squeaks when the oil is full. 3. When the tractor is trying to move, and there is a lot of resistance to doing so (like when the wheels are sunk deep into mud), it can take quite a bit of revving the engine to get the wheels to move. Or when trying to climb an incline. In normal situations, it is not a problem- I can drive the bucket into a pile of gravel with no problems. It just seems like when the tractor (and operator) are under stress, it doesn't want to move. 4. In the above situation, where I need to rev the engine to get the tractor to move, sometimes the power steering gives out. I try to turn the wheel and feel a "buzz"/vibration, and the wheels don't move. When things calm down, all is well. 5. The last, totally weird thing that has happened a couple times when the tractor has to really work to move, is that the headlights shut off! I was doing some grading at dusk with the lights on, and I got in a sticky spot, gunned it to get out, and the lights popped off! I think the knob actually went back in, because I was able to pull it out again, I think. Maybe I bumped the knob?? This happened two different times. Ghost in da machine? 6. And finally, the brakes on this machine are really bad (as has been reported by others before). The brakes on the newer machine are just fine. But on the older one, I need to really press them hard to do anything. I was working on a slight grade the other day, and I could stop the tractor from rolling by really pressing hard, but in the process it sort of creaked and shuttered. Like the pads are glazed or oily. I guess I better get the shop manual and tear into this... yes, I know, some of you warned about these problems, but I have the machines now, so there it is...